Ossónoba Philosophical Society  Ossónoba Philosophical Society

OPS (members) in the news

Crackers COVID-21 Christmas (Portugal Resident, 23 November 2021)

Advice from “Lunatics”, or Bullshit? (Portugal Resident, 29 July 2021)

Igor Khmelinskii

"Throw the UN climate report into the rubbish bin" (Выбросите вмусорное ведро доклад ООН о глобальном потеплении, Russian): 18/VIII/2021 (sib.fm)

Portuguese TV (aquecimento global; Global Warming):



Portuguese Newspaper:

"Quanto mais quente MELHOR" (The warmer the BETTER), Sol (12/III/10)

Russian TV:

Global Warming is a lie (12 Aug 2019)

Kotlas (education): https://youtu.be/_Lda5E1C_3U

Novosibirsk (education, highlights): https://youtu.be/gVYkdzigp8A

Moscow, the 1st Educational channel: https://youtu.be/udRpLmXFuP8 (24 min)

https://youtu.be/LLQVSxGH5DI (1 час)

Leslie Woodcock

Another Prominent Scientist Dissents! Fmr. NASA Scientist Dr. Les Woodcock ‘Laughs’ at Global Warming

Madame Butterfly and the dark side of LED

Peter Stallinga

Klimaatpessimisme is onzin (climate pessimism is nonsense)

Pages maintained by Prof. Peter Stallinga for stallinga.org